Welcome! I’m super humbled and excited you have chosen SewNaturalDane, LLC to assist you on your sewing journey. Whether you are a complete beginner or someone that has been sewing for a short period of time and need a little extra help, we are happy to serve you. Below, you will find a description of the different type of sewing lessons offered. Please review each package carefully.

Once you have reviewed the various sewing packages below, you can choose to move forward with your first payment. Payment plans are setup for each package below. Once you register and provide your first payment, you will receive a complete welcome packet based on the sewing package you have chosen. There will also be a link included for you to schedule your first session. However, if you are not quite sure what service you are looking for, you can schedule a 15 minute consultation to discuss which package would work best for you.

Thank you so much for considering SewNaturalDane, LLC to assist you on your sewing journey and we look forward to working with you.

1-On-1 Sewing Lessons

  • Sewing Basics ($649/8hrs)

    All sessions will need to be completed within 8 weeks. You may choose anywhere between 1hr or 2hr sessions max when scheduling your sessions.

    1. Learn to use your sewing machine.

    2. Unpacking your sewing kit.

    3. Take your measurements.

    4. Understanding Patterns.

    5. Fabric and Notions (Fabric Swatch Card).

    6. Interfacing (Interfacing Swatch Card).

    7. Create your Pinterest Board.

    8. Field Trip: JoAnn Fabrics.

    9. Monthly Makes Calendar (document your work).

    10. Let’s make a Skirt!.

  • Sewing Essentials ($799/10hrs)

    All session will need to be completed within 10 weeks. You may choose anywhere between 1hr or 2hr sessions max when scheduling your sessions. You will receive everything in Sewing Basics, plus:

    1. Current wardrobe review

    2. Create basic wardrobe collection utilizing 5-6 Commercial Patterns

    3. Create Pinterest Board Based on Patterns selected.

    4. Select 2 Looks to create from your pattern selection. I will assist you in sewing these garments.

    5. Field Trip: Sew Much Fabric

    6. Advanced Sewing Resource Guide.

  • Custom Sewing Style Sessions ($85/hr)

    Custom sewing style sessions can be conducted via Zoom or In-Person. However, if you require me to sew with you, that will require in-person meetings.

    1. Pinterest Board: What are you looking to sew for? Vacation, Work Basics, special event?

    2. Help with Pattern Selection.

    3. Help with Fabric Selection.

    4. Help with sewing your garment(s)?